
"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." -Juan Ramon Jiminez

Monday, July 05, 2004

Not much to be said. The end was a deus ex machina. This is liminality. I've taken up video games again, and when I consider the fact, I'm trapped somewhere between the Sigh/Depressed and Childhood/Playfullness continuums, respectively. I guess when I come back from my next week's worth of adventures, I should do something creative (and/or begin my summer assignment, instead of just reading for pleasure [shockthatihavetime]) or at least something.

I was planning on posting about the german trip, but decided against it. To lay out the adventure in its entirety is impossible- like trying to explain the third to last chapter in a book without the questioner having read anything. There's too many little things to tie in together, "too many pieces of the puzzle for you to solve." We spent a week on Gilligan's Island with C3P0 and the most badass french bus driver the world has ever seen.

And I nearly reduced the contents of the bus to a pile of bodies on the side of the road.

However, the ultimate outcome was our mass arrival to the fact that I am, in fact, the best germany of all time.

Ask anyone who was there.

1 PM. Time to go get lunch, then prepare for my next adventure, and perhaps find some vegetables.

[I've also been contemplating doing a blog or something just for the adventures I have with my car... I'll have to flirt with the idea a bit more... let's see.]


  • At July 15, 2004 at 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Video games are a lesson to us all, but Gilligan and his faulty attempts to speak german, and fit in with other schools nearly foiled our chances of having a good time. By Gilligan I indeed mean Wood. You can indeed talk the German talk, but if you walk the German walk I will be forced to eradicate your delectable soul.... prudently Signed ~ Brian


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