
"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." -Juan Ramon Jiminez

Friday, July 23, 2004

"The dreams in which I'm dying..."

For the second time, I've dreamt of my own death. This dream brought no desire for understanding; it elicited no emotion; it was complacent in its fate.

I felt my body skid across the surface of a reservoir pool too fast and out of control. The strangest part of the dream was that I remember shutting my eyes and almost reliving my experience of falling down a double black diamond- the feeling of being trapped within a ragdoll ripping across a malleable surface too fast to do anything... and too fast to care. And then I remember sinking down, down, deeper into the darkness, not caring to open my eyes, not caring to let anyone know to help me. Not caring about air or death.

A kind of dark peace.

And if that's not the symbolism spelled out there, damn. What a cleanly perforated, punched out, and prepared stream of consciousness.


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