
"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." -Juan Ramon Jiminez

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Well... somebody had to blog again. I refuse to let this die. This is a cool thing we have going. Let's see. It seems like ages. I usually can look at this thing to see what's been going on in my life, but we've all let it sit here. I started health. It seems like it will be a long boring two and a half months. Hluchan is a funny name. Hluchan has a funny voice. I realize that I have become very Zen, or aloof. These days, nothing really gets to me. My range of emotions is smaller than most people's. I don't think I've cried for any reason since middle school. I thought that was normal until recently. And no, I didn't cry when I found out. Maybe that's why I'm not good at making decisions or expressing my opinion. Because I have no opinion. Realizing this makes me question past statements and emotions. And what exactly is emotion anyway? Why were humans born with the ability to feel? What advantage has it given them? All this makes me think of Equilibrium. Was that really a "happy" ending? I probably seem all philisophical right now. Or maybe just stupid. And maybe insecure now.



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