
"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." -Juan Ramon Jiminez

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

When I was in fifth grade, I had a big green jacket. In itself, this isn't a remarkable thing. But for those who dare or care to remember, that jacket had more in itself than most. It was home to various things, many things, and any things that I could find. Most people didn't see any importance for this strange compulsion of mine, nor did I. I did it because I felt it should be done.

One day in the spring I discovered the reason for this compulsion. Our teacher told us that we were going to build some sort of invention from the things we just happened to have on our person... and, in rapture, I requested a trip to my locker in near hysteric justice.

Suffice it to say, we won that contest because we had more stuff in that big green jacket than all the other kids combined.

Today I looked in my big white trunk and reflected upon this as I saw its nonsensical contents:
-SAT Prep Book
-Roll of Paper Towels
-Two Computer Monitors (Broken)
-"Wet Floor" Big Yellow Cone
-Empty Water Cooler Tank
-Aluminum Baseball Bat
-Tire Wipes


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